
RequireJS configuration with mixins, map, paths, etc in Magento2

RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It enables asynchronous JavaScript loading(JavaScript to load in the background).

In Magento 2, we have requirejs-config.js file with a single root object config which contains the configuration options. These configuration settings are optional and are used only when required. Here is an example ofrequirejs-config.js with all the options :

var config = {
    map: {...},
    paths: {...},
    deps: [...],
    shim: {...},
    config: {
        mixins: {...},
        text: {...}

We can declare the requirejs-config.js file specific to the scope(frontend or adminhtml).


The map configuration is used to connect or map any real AMD modules to the specified alias. Also, it is used to override a JS module with a custom JS module.

var config = {
    map: {
        '*': {
            exitpopup: 'Webiins_ExitPopup/js/exitpopup'


The paths configuration is used for aliasing, not just any real AMD module that calls define(), but also any URLs and third-party libraries.

var config = {
	paths: {
	     exitpopup: 'Webiins_ExitPopup/js/exitpopup'
	    'exitpopup2': ''


The deps configuration is used to add a dependency. It can be used directly under var config = {} or under shim configuration. When we add modules under an independent deps configuration will load the specified modules in all pages.

var config = {
    deps: [


Since we cannot modify third-party libraries, shim configuration is used to build a dependency on them.

var config = {
    shim: {
    '3rd-party-library': ['customJSFile']


The mixins configuration is used to overwrite component methods of an AMD module that returns either a UI component, a jQuery widget, or a JS object.

var config = {
    config: {
        mixins: {
            'Magento_ConfigurableProduct/js/configurable': {
                'Webiins_Payment/js/configurable-mixin': true
            'Magento_Tax/js/view/checkout/summary/grand-total': {
                'Webiins_Payment/js/view/checkout/summary/grand-total-mixin': true


The text configuration is used to set the security request headers.

config: {
    text: {
        'headers': {
            'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'